Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Life of Allie The White Boxer

Everybody needs to be friends on Facebook with White Boxer Allie.
Allie loves laying on her raft in the pool.  Summer....and the livin's easy!

The Life

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Allie loves the wind in her hair

Allie loves her boy's soccer games

Allie the White Boxer loves going to her little boy's soccer games.  She is their biggest fan!  There are always other dogs at the games and fun little kids.
If only she could run out onto the field and help her little boy with that fun soccer ball.  She'd probably be the fastest player on the team!

All the kids are always trying to play with her jowls!

She just likes watching everything going on around her.
It also helps when Daddy gives her some sunflower seeds.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Allie's Easter treat

Allie soon figured out that if you push your paw down on the easter egg, it will break and you can eat the egg inside.  Now she's obsessed with eggs!
Enjoying sitting on her Daddy's lap on an Easter morning.
Outside with the nieces and nephew on the night before Easter when we were coloring the eggs.
Allie playing with her cousin Bella.
Easter morning fun is very tiring!
Allie loves the treat the Easter bunny brought to her house.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Wanna follow me on Facebook - look for White Boxer Allie!

Just me

With my favorite boys in the world

At my Mom and Dad's wedding this summer

Watching the National Championship game-Go Bama!  Roll Tide! I am named Alabama Tide after all!

Enjoying the snow this winter

I love sleepin on the couch
My favorite spot in the bed with my head on my Daddy's pillow